Basic information in English
Junis Umeå is an organization for children.
The association is non-profit, which means that all our leaders are working without getting paid and we have no profit interrest, instead all money is used for fun activities for our members.
We do lots of fun things, either in our Headquarter Junislyan in the central city, or our weekly activities at Ålidhem, or some special fun activities at weekends or holidays, for example going to the swimming pool, a playland or going to a fun trip..
Junis Umeå's philosophy is to create fun
Meaningful leisure activities for children in which everyone can participate no matter the age, sex, etnecity, religion, disability, etc. Juneis corner stones are temperance, democracy, human environment and international solidarity.
An important rule of thumb is "It is forbidden to come if you do not feel like" so if you just come to the activities that you want to come to.
Our Activities
”Fullt hus” on Junis-Lyan
Every Wednesday dropin from 16-20 at Junislyan (Skolgatan 48) Starting October 9
We offer homework help for those children who need a little extra support with homework and FREE dinner for hungry membres.
We have a lot of activity in all rooms. Every week there are Wii games, movies, board games, computers, crafts, free playing, contest and more we will have a little different activities during the fall as martial arts, dance, jump rope. Sometime we go on field trips.
Weekend Fun
Every weekend during the school year we have
“weekend fun”. It may be Friday or Saturday, day or evening, depending on what the activity is.
We usually have one of the following:
Swim-disco - at Umeå swimming pool with swimming, disco music, dancing and playing. We serve fruits and drinks.
Marieberg Gymnastic hall – Gymnastics, games, soccer, floorball, disco, dance and refreshments in a lovely Junis-mix.
Disco at Junis-Lyan - A real disco with smoke and lights, popcorn, drinks, games, contests and more.
Junis-Nights at Junislyan – (divided into 1-10 years and 11-15 years) Movie nights with snacks and drinks, games and snuggle, sometimes we have sleepovers.
Other - Sometimes we have other activities like visiting 4H farm, police academy, partys with food and entertainment from different countries, snowmobile riding, and more ..
Holliday fun
On holidays we usually go either to a trip or have activities at home. We have activities almost every day of all school holidays.
Examples of tips we usually organize every year, Spa-trip to Hotel lappland in Lycksele, Trip to Stockholm, Summer Camps in Norrmjöle, Holmön and Lyckebo.
Activities at home are usualy: Leo's Playland, busplaneten, bowling, lazerdome, field trips, swimming pool, Umelagun, movie nights, Holmsund bath, and more.
All home activities is free for members.
For more information on Junis and our activities
please contact
Operations Hamzi Hussein
0725282217, or Facebook
President, Ari Leinonen
070-567 92 14,
Would you like to join?
Send a SMS / Email with following data to Hamzi or Ari:
The child's / children's full name and social security number as well as the parent's address, email and phone number.
Membership costs 50 SEK per child per year.
The fee includes members magazine and insurance.
All activities in Umeå is free for members. We charge a small fee for camps and trips.